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Five Things I Did Not Know About Your Face (Spank you very much Darren)

First thing's first:



Thank Darren of Darrogamer06 fame for getting me to tell you all what I didn't know about all of your faces.

1) I didn't know you were all so ugly.

2) I didn't know your faces all went through blender trauma.

3) I didn't know my face was better than your face.

4) I didn't know they made nostrils that size.

5) I'm awesome.

Ok, to be serious here, I *think* here are some things you didn't know about me -- but I'm not sure how much I blabber on in the podcast about these things so maybe you already know:

1) Up until August of 2007, my entire family stayed living together under the same roof (apartment ceiling). Yes, that's right, my 31-year-old sister and I -- at 26 -- were still living with our folks. She then bought an apartment foor floors up, but I'm still at home. Because my job requires so much travel, I couldn't live with wasting money on rent. Technically, hotel rooms are my real home. But all of that money I'm saving up from not paying rent will go into a house/apartment of my own.

2) I'm allergic to seafood -- specifically, anything except for fish, eel, jellyfish and sea veggies -- but not deathly so. A simple irritation of the throat and swelling lips leaves me grumpy for the rest of the night. With a lot of Asian cuisine involving seafood, it makes eating my own people's food INCREDIBLY ANNOYING.

3) This console generation is the only time in my life where I've owned every competitor's console before the twilight of their respective life cycles. I didn't own a Playstation 2 until June of 2004, and I didn't own an Xbox until October of 2005. This time I pretty much snapped every console up before year 1 of their life spans: the 360 in July of 2006, the Wii on launch day, and the PS3 sometime in the late summer or early fall of 2007 (can't remember when exactly).

4) I've never stayed on a long line to purchase a game on launch day. (The same does not hold true for consoles.)

5) I spent my 20th birthday in near-complete solitude. I was on this outdoors program called Outward Bound, which has people going on backpacking and whitewater rafting trips. The counselors -- my group was either my age or younger, so it was still supposedly an "educational" thing -- put us through a thing called Solo Day, where we were to be placed out of sight of each other (completely) for a 24 hour period. They provided us with a pack of trail mix and three packs of a powdered Gatorade knock-off called (racial slur for someone of Asian descent)-inade (don't ask why they named it that). It was just pure coincidence that my birthday happened to be on the exact day that they chose to initiate Solo Day. So, I turned 20 in a small sandy cul-de-sac against a rocky wall, by a gentle creek, with trail mix. (They had a cake for me the next day, actually.)

6) Yeah, this is cheating, but once when I was a wee lad (i.e. before graduating college) I played this. Actually since some of you probably saw that blog I'll add something you really might not know about me. I have perfect pitch (or absolute pitch), which means that I can identify a musical note by hearing it and without having to reference something else. The caveat is that it affected how I "practiced" (in the rare instance that I did practice) -- I played more by ear, and less by technique. Thus, I was talented but insanely sloppy...


Adrian (ShenlongBo)

Al (the_antipode)

Brian (DrFish62)

Michael (m0zart)

Sara (SophinaK)

Can one of you losers please tag Other Austin (Yeah_Write)? I thought it might be cheating to tag someone with the same name as me.