MrCHUP0N / Member

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Games. Playstation 3. Here. Finally.

It seems lately that Sony's been laughed at by more than a few pundits and forumites alike. From the still exorbitant price-point to the lackluster keynote speech yesterday at 2006's Tokyo Game Show, the word on the street had simply been a grumble or a taunt thrown Sony's way.

Lord knows I've had my fair share of eye-rolling. Online banking on the Playstation 3? Is this what Ryan MacDonald really wanted to report to the Gamespot readership?

I've been no fan of the price point, and I never will be. The game lineup, on paper, really didn't impress me personally any more than anything coming from Nintendo or Microsoft. I reasoned: 1080p be damned, there's no reason to be excited about a $499-$599 console if the games aren't more compelling than what's out or coming on other system.

But this is a great time for me right now.

Thank goodness for the kiosks at Tokyo Game Show, and the mounds of media coverage over there. Regardless of platform, I like learning more about games. Period. I may not be buying the console said games are coming out on. I may not be interested in the end product. Hell, the end product might turn out to be grossly sheisty.

But for the time being, it feels absolutely wonderful to be able to go over to the Playstation 3 section and look at all of the hands-on impressions and gameplay demonstration videos and finally start to grasp just what people will be getting with Sony's beast. The games aren't just a list of names on paper anymore. We're not just getting trailers of Solid Snake or the obligatory Resistance: Fall of Man interview. No, we're finally getting
HANDS ON coverage for a buttload of other stuff. Devil May Cry. Virtua Tennis. Ridge Racer 7.

The Xbox 360 has already had its moment to shine - the damn thing launched already. Nintendo brought us a preview of the soon-to-be-televised, self-proclaimed revolution in gaming twice - once at E3 2006, and once just a few weeks ago. Now, it's finally Sony's turn, and the trinity is complete.

So, for just these few days, let's forget about the price. Let's forget about the "Foreman grill" forum cries. Let's especially forget about the lackluster Sony press conferences and keynotes, which are already in the past. It's time to stop speculating and start learning.

The games are finally here, and class is in session. All we have to do is stay up all night for it.

Unless your time zone is more Japan-friendly than ours in North America is. In that case, you're in luck, and screw you! I'm going to bed.