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Gears of War: Did RAAM break?

Disclaimer: If you didn't beat Gears of War single-player and don't wish for the last battle to be spoiled, please avert thee eyes!

A little over twelve days ago, I finally completed Gears of War's single-player campaign for the first time (Hardcore difficulty). Though I could see little blips with Dom's AI here and there, and while some combat situations were incredibly frustrating, the gory cover-fest ended up being a very fun experience for me.

One thing, however, perturbed me a little: the final battle of the game, which is against General RAAM.

For those of you who completed the game, you know what the setup is: a long, narrow platform with pieces of stone cover set horizontally and riding up the middle. At the end is a Jupiter-sized chaingun, and around each piece of cover are four bright lights. General RAAM himself is surrounded by Kryll that disperse when he walks over one of these lights.

The first time I run into him, I think I'm all slick and try to pepper him with torque bow shots. I hadn't thought about the Kryll "shield" he had around him, and was subsequently flabbergasted when the torque bow didn't even make the jerk flinch. Dom = die! Me = die!

It took maybe two tries to realize what the lights were there for, so I decided to play the "patient" game and only pelt him when the Kryll left his side. Yet, he still advanced enough for me to - out of fear - leave my cover and run across the platform lengthwise to get to another piece of cover. Continuing this pattern, the same result came about: Dom = die! Me = die!

After another few tries, I decided to try and go for that mammoth chaingun. But, as my ninja reflexes resemble those of a tortoise more than they do a ninja, I ended up waiting too long at the chaingun - firing shots at him - as the Kryll came screeching at me, tearing my limbs from my torso. Dom = die! Me = die!

Frustrated - and this, I think, was like my eleventh or twelfth try - I went back to the "wait til the Kryll leave him and fire torque bow shots at him" strategy. Only this time, when Dom = die! and RAAM reached my end of the platform (I hadn't moved from that spot at all this time 'round), I didn't move. Frustrated, tired and contemplating just getting back to work (yep - 'twas working from home that day), I just sat there without pressing any buttons, Marcus Fenix crouching patiently behind the piece of cover, waiting for RAAM to gib me with his gargantuan armament.

To my surprise, nothing happened. All he did was roar a bit. Then he walked to the edge of my cover, roared again, and fired his gun - missing me totally. He then walked to the other edge of my cover, roared again, and fired his gun... missing me totally.


It seemed almost as if RAAM was too big to actually get around the piece of cover I was hiding behind. It also seemed as if he lacked any capacity to bend at the waist and fire down upon my head with his Ominous Gun of Die Humans (TM). All of his shots breezed harmlessly over my head as I kept my character hiding behind the cover.

At that point, with the fury of seven hyenas high on taurine, I decided to blind fire at him with my lancer.

10 seconds.

20 seconds.

30 seconds.

RAAM = die!

Buh? Was this right?

Anyway, I'd just like to ask the Gears vets out there if this is the way you're actually supposed to beat him. I feel like I've stumbled across a glitch instead of an actual strategy.