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Get Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 36 - Listen and win something. Or something.

Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 36 - As Good As You Remembered It

Coming off the heels of my last blog, our segment after the news of this episode basically asks the podcast staff to offer one YES and one NO to the question, "Is it as good as you remembered it?"

Here's our Podcast Description:

"Played something recently that you used to love about 10 years ago? Is that something as good as you remembered it? That's the crux of our late-in-the-game, after-the-news segment, where us four idiots weigh on things we used to like and still like, and things we used to like and now question our sanity over.

But there's more stuff too! More fighting, this time over a somewhat faux-pas Fils-Aime-ism. More random banter and singing - Kid Icarus and Reapers! And more mailbag questions from you, our lovely lovely listeners. Lastly, more Happy_Cloud. Yeah, you know you want it."

Important stuff and Breakdown!

1:25 - What We're Playing

21:15 - In the News: the Halo Shut-Up button, Marc Ecko tries to improve his gaming "street cred", Everybodii Votes, Fils-Aime Faux Pas - "[Online?] That's perfect for you..."

- Ethan's HORRIBLE "Fils-Aime" pun

- As Good As You Remembered It

- The Mailbag

- Pirates vs. Ninjas? We need more entrants. Skip to this if you want to know why, and how to maybe (just maybe...) win a prize - something fun. Learn how we're handling this by listening intently at around this time mark. Here's the deal: in Episode 35, we asked people to submit what they thought was the most powerful pirate OR ninja. We were going to vote on who won - for nothing, really, but fun. We've decided that, now, we'll also hold a random drawing for a physical prize. Entry rules are introduced here in the podcast.

Download here.
Size: 54.5 MB
Run time: 1:53:28

Please -
digg us, review us on iTunes, and tell your friends (hell, there will be no prize if we don't get enough people listening). Your support keeps us motivated. And don't forget - hit the mailbag with your questions!