MrCHUP0N / Member

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Gonna be at DigitalLife?

Will you be at DigitalLife? I'd like to say what's up if I run into you. I'll be the 5'7" Asian guy wearing my black Trigames.NET t-shirt (just a plain black tee with the white logo on the left-front and "in games we trust" on the back), khaki cargo shorts, and white adidas. I will likely have a red-white-and-blue Sacramento Kings throwback (making them the Kansas City Kings) hat on unless I'm talking to someone for a potential sit-down interview. I'll likely have a notebook out and a heavy-duty Canon camera around my neck.


Estimated arrival: Noon. I'll be making the rounds, seeing what there is to cover. I'll also be waiting in line for Guitar Hero III.


Estimated arrival: 11am. I'll be trying to take notes on what I've actually decided to cover and setting up meetings, if possible, with people. I'll also be waiting in line for Guitar Hero III. the_antipode will be there after 3ish waiting in line with me.


Estimated arrival: 11am. I'll be cleaning up any potential coverage that's left. I'll also be waiting in line for Guitar Hero III. Tony may show up.


Estimated arrival: 3pm after the podcast is finished recording. I'll be waiting in line for Guitar Hero III.