As I start to remember the games I've sold back for store credit or eBay monies, I'll start jotting them down in der blogenheimer. Of course, I can't remember everything I've sold back but again -- it'll be a growing list. Here's part two of who-the-hell knows. If you want to see part one, HERE it is.
Red Steel (Wii) - Does this really need any explanation? From using a poor man's Keanu Reeves (circa Point Break) to do the voice acting for chop-shop gangstas with Jheri curls, to glitches in which you witnessed enemy character models in their inactive Vitruvian Man positions or saw frozen enemies through whom your bullets passed without any reaction, to the awful butchering of mouselook, Red Steel had the makings of a phenomal "FAIL." Quite honestly, I believe that with some more work, without the pressures of pushing a launch title, and with the addition of Wii Motion Plus, the development team at Ubisoft could make a serviceable sequel. But the first game? Blech.
Manhunt (PS2) - I looked all over for this and finally found it for $15 used. Then it was available on STEAM like, two days later, with better controls and graphics, courtesy of my PC. Yay for good timing?
Jak & Daxter (PS2) - No, I do not want to collect 7 pieces of fruit, 9 insects, 238 power cells and 3884x^2 yellow orbs to advance to the next level. Don't you remember why I stayed away from Donkey Kong 64 and virtually every other Rare platformer on the planet (save for Conker's Bad Fur Day)? Don't you remember why I sold back...
...Starfox Adventures (GCN) - Bafmodads. ENOUGH SAID. (Hi, Rare! Thanks for Banjo Kollecti!)
Tokobot (PSP) - This game was a charming, inventive little platformer, and I actually did enjoy much of my experience with it. The problem was that it eventually got way too slow for my tastes, and that can be taken literally -- just look at the main character's walking speed. The camera was also a little annoying too. Maybe I should have stuck with it a bit longer but I think by that point, I cared more about playing Mega Man Powered Up than watch my character trudge through invisible mud. Maybe one day if a sequel comes out with better foot-speed, I'll give it a whirl.
Street Fighter Alpha 3 Upper (GBA) - A surprisingly good conversion of possibly my favorite Street Fighter game (neck-and-neck with II' Hyper Fighting). But at some point I got frustrated with its controls. Street Fighter II Turbo Revival for the GBA did a better job mapping six attacks to four buttons, and I don't understand why Crawfish couldn't use the exact same technique for SFA3 Upper. In any event, there was this little game called Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX released for the PSP, which ends up being a near-perfect translation (albeit with a horrendous D-pad). Perhaps you've heard of it.
Super Mario Sunshine (GCN) - Take Super Mario 64 and put it on one side. Then, take Super Mario Sunshine and stand it right next to SM64. Now, take Super Mario Galaxy and put it adjacent to Sunshine so all three games are standing next to each other as if in a bookshelf. One of these things is not like the other! Let's find out which one. Smash the book-end games into each other. Which one gets crushed in the middle? Sunshine! Which one deserved to get crushed? Sunshine! Which one did I not crush but instead sold back to get funds for something else? Sunshine! F.L.U.D.D. was abhorrently (is that a word?) lame, the levels were the annoying kind of "challenging" where I felt more relieved than accomplished that I finally got a Shine, and the camera needed a swift kick to the rectum. Super Mario Sunshine, I choose you! To be the only Mario platformer that I failed to enjoy.
WipEout Pure (PSP) - I don't know why I bought this in the first place, but after my third race of ultra-slow-but-I'm-supposed-to-think-it's-fast-and-visceral action, I remembered why I eventually put down WipEout 3 for the PSone. Then I saw Burnout Legends and figured that if I wanted a fast racing game, I could go get a fast racing game. I threw WipEout Pure back at the store and proceeded to... not buy Burnout Legends for what ends up being probably another year or two. But the important thing, kids, is that I did get it. Because knowing is half the battle. G.I. Joe. End credits. (Ned ftw)
Tomb Raider Legend (X360) - Now this is an odd duck in the list. This is one game that I played from beginning to end and thoroughly enjoyed. Mediocre gunplay aside, the Prince of Persia (revision Ubi) mechanics really worked out well for Lara, and I loved being able to solve the environmental puzzles without walking around like a tank. I sold this game back because after all was said and done, I was just finished with it. I had no gumption to play it any more past its ending; I didn't care about getting achievements for it (in fact I really don't give a hoot about achievements period) and quite honestly I was just ready for the next one. Which means that yes, at some point, I'll be playing Tomb Raider: Anniversary happily. TR:Legend is one of those games that I'd put in the "It'd be nice to have to play whenever I wanted" bin, but I've never once felt that pang of regret, so I'll say I made the right choice here. Besides, even if I did ever want to play it again, it's on GameTap...
Kameo: Elements of Power (X360) - lulz moer liek kamo elements of COLLECT! (Oh, hi Rare, it's you again!)
Resident Evil 4 (GCN) - Resident Evil 4 is hands-down one of the best damn games I've ever played. Guess what? Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition makes it obsolete. Goodbye!
An aside: If you're wondering why the list so far is devoid of original Xbox titles, it's because I have so few of them. I've not once sold an Xbox title back, save for NBA 2K5 which makes some sense because it's a sports game. Usually I figure that I'll sell back a game I don't like when I've realized after some extensive play that I'd really rather be playing something else; I have barely played my Xbox titles long enough to ever get to that point, and the ones I have played for a long time, I've absolutely loved (Ninja Gaiden: Black, Panzer Dragoon Orta).
As usual, more as I think of 'em.