MrCHUP0N / Member

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Guess That Common Thread - Get a Banner

I'm bored at the moment, so...

What's the common thread between these games? I've got a specific one in mind, though you might find another. First one to guess what I'm thinking gets a special banner made by me that says you're a champion.


Champion of what, I don't know yet. Guessing things, I guess?

Soukyuugurentai (Arcade, Saturn)
Tactics Ogre (SNES, PSone)
Final Fantasy Tactics (PSone)
Radiant Silvergun (Arcade, Saturn)
Ogre Battle 64 (N64)
Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis (GBA)
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (GBA)
Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter (PS2)
Gradius V (PS2)
Final Fantasy XII (PS2)
Vagrant Story (PSone)
Ogre Battle (SNES, PSone, Saturn)