I still haven't played past the second stage in Manhunt 2, but when the_antipode came over the other day to play some games, we went through the first stage again and I had the chance to analyze what I've played of it a little further. My initial feeling still stands: if you own the first Manhunt on any platform, there's very little reason - mechanically speaking - to go out and purchase this one. Impressions being based on the Wii version, of course. The executions - yes - are fun to pull off by using the Wii remote and nunchuk combination. It's not fun enough to spend another dollop of cash, though, if you've had your fill of the first game. Nevermind the annoying obfuscation of these executions, making it very difficult to actually see what you're doing.
Something just feels off about Manhunt 2. The way you skulk around in the shadows just doesn't feel as refined and easily-controlled as in the first one. Perhaps it's due to the camera that swings wildlly around at certain points. Perhaps it's the imprecise hand-to-hand combat - punching away with the Wii remote and nunchuk simply doesn't feel as responsive and consistent as something like Twilight Princess does (though at least it works better than friggin' Wii Sports Boxing). The execution motion controls are spot-on, at least.
The presentation just doesn't feel as crisp as does the original Manhunt's. I thought it might just be because I'm now used to graphics of 360 and PS3 caliber, but after taking another look at old Manhunt footage, I don't think that's the case. There's something pasty - this smeared look - about Manhunt 2 that just doesn't resonate with me in the same way that the original Manhunt's gritty, noisy look did. Maybe I just need to play it more.
I'm hoping that "safely ignore" turns into "passable entertainment" as the game progresses, what with all the freaking hullaballoo surrounding the game's release. Otherwise I'll probably just pick up an old copy of the first one and be done with it.