...I'd like to try Halo 3. I struggled through Gears of War on dual-analog for you, so I think I've paid my dues. Right?
...right? Hello?
Are you out there, Microsoft? Please let me stick a USB mouse into my Xbox 360 and try this Halo 3 thing everyone seems so excited about. Thanks.
While you're at it, why don't you make Halo 2 playable on Windows XP? No, I didn't give the original Halo the most favorable review (which was poorly-written, I admit), but I did enjoy it enough to want to give your second and third chapters a chance. Are you just going to let me succumb to the Crytek hype and crown Crysis as the best shooter evAr? Don't let your Halo Hype go to waste.
Oh, but I've still got Bioshock and Metroid Prime 3 to play. And before that, finish off Super Paper Mario, Metroid Prime 2 and the Prince of Persia trilogy. So nevermind.