If you don't know what happened earlier this week, now you do.
Though entirely different in nature, the fallout from the sale of 1up by Ziff-Davis to Hearst Publications (read: UGO.com) leaves me with a heavy-hearted sensation similar to the one left by a certain event last year. I put up a rushed editorial on Trigames.NET. I don't know that I'll post it as an editorial here because I don't want to talk too much specifically about another site in an editorial post, but we'll see.
Please feel more than free to send in any questions or comments about the sale and what it means to our mailbag (mailbag AT trigames DOT net). It'll probably be our only news topic for episode 119, for two reasons:
1) It's huge news, and we want to make sure to give it enough time to talk about, because...
b) ...Kellymae will be joining us to talk about the topic she submitted for the contest, that being "Parents' Responsibility Towards Their Gamer Children"... or something that sums up her email to that effect. She propositioned me as both a mother and an avid gamer, and I agreed that she shared a unique perspective on the situation, so prepare to hear the wondrous chef speak on our next episode. We also want to give this topic enough time, especially with a guest in tow.
SEND THE MESSAGE BEFORE 11:00 AM EST, SATURDAY, JANUARY 10th, 2007 (or 2009, which would be better... thanks Bacchus).
Oh yeah, and Pete is on board to guest again. He says that Gameslaves might be making a comeback so look out for that. He demands that I let you know that you can stalk him on his Facebook, so here goes: Pete Vellucci. Two L's, Two C's.