Anyone who has not beaten or who is not familiar with Final Fantasy II (SNES) -slash- Final Fantasy IV (SFC, PSone, GBA, DS) need not read this because they won't understand and it also might spoilies some things.
So I just took down Zeromus for what's maybe the umpteenth time in my FFIV career, this time on the DS version of Final Fantasy IV. After a healthy assault by me, Zeromus took out Rydia and Edge. Then as I was about to Arise one of them with Rosa, Z pelted my guys with Meteo (yes it's Meteor, but I like calling it by its original US-botched name -- it looks cooler). Took 'em all out. I quietly swore and was about to turn off my DS when Kain, still alive with only 6 HP left, swooped down from the sky and dinged Z with his Jump attack. I had completely forgotten he was waiting up there. As I whooped and frantically anticipated using a Phoenix Down on someone, the screen flashed -- it turns out that Kain had smacked Z with the game winner. Talk about dumb luck!
Oh yeah, podcast is in rendering. I'm also taking on Digimon World Championship (DS) for Gamespot, so I'll likely be a hermit until I'm done.