MrCHUP0N / Member

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Mailbag, Win Prize, New Blast at some point

1) Don't forget to feed the mailbag. Listen to the last 10 minutes of last week's podcast for details on how to win a prize.

2) So, the new blast. In a fit of semi-drunken rage yesterday, I stumbled home and recorded a Video Blast targeting the difficulty of successfully finding a certain shiny white Nintendo waggle-console in stores. Of course, since the Video Uploader and my home network connection get along about as well as Aaron Thomas and Marky Mark, my five (yes, five) attempts at uploading it have resulted in:

- 2 disconnects
- 1 error requesting me to email the error to someone
- 1 "success" that resulted in nothing
- 1 "success" that told me: Your video "" encoded successfully! Funny, because I actually named the video "WHERE are the WIIs!?", not "".

So, maybe this time it'll take. If not, I'll have to wait until I get into work to upload it. I have to say I didn't handle myself very well in the video, as the cat can attest to - but hey all I had to eat yesterday was a bowl of oatmeal in the middle of the day, and I guzzled down four pints in what might have been somewhat of a hurry. It's not that much, but then, I'm - uh - me (stealthily stepping around the "offensive" moderation).

At least I beat melishi, though; if I remember correctly she only managed three. For someone with Irish blood in you, I'm disappointed! (Oboy. Now that I've taunted, the next time we hang out she's going to outdrink me tenfold. I've just opened Pandora's can of worms that should have stayed shut.)

We'll see if this stupid thing uploads. If not, I guess Monday will be the day you see me in inebriated glory ranting at Reggie, Perrin and Iwata. (Let's not forget George "Numbers" Harrison.)

3) Slunks, I await the next Guess That Game with tented fingers (thanks JamesonV) and grins abound.

4) Oh yeah and please digg us and write us a review kthxbye