MrCHUP0N / Member

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Metroid Prime 3 and Bioshock: What a Way to End the Summer

I've played both games for approximately 45 minutes each so far. Both of them rock: BioShock's got the insane mix-and-match combat down pat, and Prime 3's controls are like the finest silk. Both of them have environment and atmosphere up the wazoo, though both of them take far different approaches. The fact that BioShock runs without a hitch on my PC almost all the time with all settings at MAX - sometimes hitting 60 fps instead of settling for just 30 - just makes me giddier. Then again, it DID crash while I was oh noews spoilars i will shott up becos peple don like to kno that you shot guns in BioShokc - that's PC gaming for ya. Take the good with the bad. The biggest knock against Metroid Prime 3 so far is that Metroid Prime (one of my very, very favorite games of all time) was so fantastic and new when it released that this one - and Prime 2 before it - don't feel "new". Regardless, if the rest of each respective game feels like their first 45 minutes, I would assume that they're both must-owns for their respective platforms. Alas, these games have been added to my library when I'm in the midst of clearing out my backlog. Super Paper Mario isn't even on my backlog and I have to finish that (it's short enough to warrant a marathon run on Monday). Prince of Persia requires my attention too, and no - not the Two Thrones - but the Sands of Time. That's right. :P And around that, some more old games that I've cracked open but never finished. Stupid library.