MrCHUP0N / Member

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Ninja Gaiden 2 (NES) = Emasculation

Filled with rage.

But must keep playing.

Hate this game.

But it's so good.

This game cheats.

But I also just suck.

Oh hell, the last boss just punted me back to the beginning of the level.

Can you imagine playing this back in the day, when it friggin' came out, and you were NINE? I don't know - maybe my reflexes would have been quicker back then - but I don't think I'd have the patience. Holy HELL is this game hard. I think I could have invented new cuss words with the aggravation I was developing. Honestly, I never got past stage 2 when I was nine, so getting to the last boss is an accomplishment here.

Yeah, but there's no exploding Hitler-head in Ninja Gaiden. Therefore, FAIL.

I'm going to bed. I'll beat this blasted game tomorrow after I post the podcast. *claws violently at the air*