I'm bum tired. Really tired. AnTiPoDe and I are waking up in approx 1 hour and 40 minutes to pick up our units, but we've been and running around catching footage of the Toys R Us event. Ethan and Tony were running around the lines getting interviews as well. We're all exhausted, but Ethan and Tony - not having pre-ordered their units at the Nintendo World Store - actually got theirs inside the Toys R Us event. We were lucky enough to have immediate access to the counter because we had press/media passes, and AnTiPoDe and I are starting to wish we had picked up ours there and cancelled our preorders at the Nintendo World Store. But, we felt like "honoring" our preorders. In any case, I regret the Trigames.NET podcast crew couldn't unite like this during the Sony launch this week. Those weekday launches, man - drat.
In any case, I heard I was on the air during the live stream. Boy, I wish I was home with my browser open so that I could have heard myself talking to Ryan MacDonald. No wait - that's a paradox... I also got to meet Ricardo Torres and apologize in person to Tim Surette for misspelling his name earlier (it's ONE "r", people!)
Footage coming whenever Ethan and I can get some sleep and dump this to our machines.
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