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Now Available! Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 37 - Sorny Sorny Sorny

DON'T FORGET: Submit a pirate or ninja who you think will win the war of pirates versus ninjas as discussed in Episodes 35 and 36. You must submit a mailing address with your entry to the mailbag or via this email form. You can win a $50 gift card to the game retailer of your choice via random drawing (minimum number of participants must be 25; we're hovering around 7 or so). You can also win a T-shirt if we vote on your entry - but for us to vote, you must make it a creative write-up on why your pirate or ninja would win. Make us laugh, cry and fear! If you Digg us or Review us on iTunes, or both (see the bottom of this page for links), you increase your chances of winning. Everyone except for the Staff is eligible - that includes site contributors. Mailing address will not be used for any purpose other than contest validation and prize mailing.

For anyone who's been living under a box spring and eating earth worms while the rest of the world - you know - went about its business, Sony had a whole ball-ton of happenings. Well, not so much quantity as it was impact. Gimped backwards compatibility for European PS3's, with no price decrease? Sony and Immersion settling, which could awesomely mean rumble is back in? Sony blackballs Kotaku only to make-out with them hours later? It's all here, it's all fresh, and it's all crude in Episode 37 of TEH PODCAST TEH TIRGAM!111111one

(Note: Al appears a bit ahead of sync near the end, which is an issue I just noticed after publishing the podcast. I apologize.)

For quick and easy access to explosive podcast:

0:00 - Intro and what we've been playing

7:19 - Quick News: Cube dead or not dead? Neo Geo games for Wii Virtual Console (in Japan), and AMD/ATi releases chipset... but still no Graphics card yet?

21:17 - Fat Topic: Sony, Sony, Sony. Backwards compatibility gimped; Immersion settlement may possibly mean rumble returns; Sony and Kotaku fist-fight, then kiss and a whole lot more.

55:33 - Mailbag!

Run time
: 1:30:56
File size: 42.6MB
Download here.

Please - digg us, review us on iTunes, and tell your friends (hell, there will be no prize if we don't get enough people listening). Your support keeps us motivated. And don't forget - hit the mailbag (malebag [at] trigames [dot] net works too) with your questions!

For previous episodes, please visit our Podcast Homepage!