MrCHUP0N / Member

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Oh Gamestop. How you patronize people.

I can't vent about this experience as I really want to, as it involves mean and moderatable words, so I'll just make it short and then also direct you to my non-gaming blog where I detailed it in full (see the Chupporitos link up at the top of this profile page).

I went into a Gamestop at 33rd Street and Broadway in New York to spend a gift card I had gotten from Tony. I had my Edge card with me which takes 10% off Used product, I got dinged with my taxes, I'm saving up to go back to school and I'm just trying to save as much as I can in general, so making a gift card go as long as possible is important to me. As such, I decided to grab Super Mario Galaxy used. The disc had a tangential scratch in it, which I explain in my other blog; in short, it's the worst kind of scratch you can have because it goes around the spiral of the disc instead of just being a straight cut. When I explained the situation, the dude told me that it was ok and almost made me leave with it. I explained that the_antipode had a problem with a Dreamcast disc with this exact same scratch, and he told me that Dreamcast and Wii games are processed entirely differently by their respective machines.


Needless to say, I was amused and pissed at the same time, but I bit my tongue and just kept insisting that I be given a different disc. You can read the FULL anger and vehemence of my experience in that other blog, but be warned that the language used within is not for the faint of heart.

Oh yeah, Episode 90 of the podcast is up. It's what we call our Worst Ever since we were exhausted from a Rock Band party that went til almost 5am the night before, but Slunks seems to like it ^_^.