The podcast has seen a bit of trouble lately due mostly to technical difficulties, but we've got 17 and 19 edited and up in "low-fi" versions.
Yeah, that's right - we're giving into harsh time demands by putting up a version that's not as crisp and clean as we'd like. If it means staying relevant to the news, though, there's no choice but to do so at the moment.
Plus, Draqq in all of his wisdom has offered to link to the podcast in Reviewspotting from now on either in CompleteSpotting or the Columns section. Toast to Draqq!
Therefore to get it out on time, our schedule will be as such:
Sunday night: Lower-quality version (64kbps source recording) goes up.
Whenever: Higher-quality version (128kbps source recording) of that same episode goes up.
With that, here are our low-fi episodes 17 and 19, slated to be up by 11:59:59PM EST on Sunday, September 17th:
Episode 17 - Summer Sun Means No Fun
Episode 19 - Televising the Wiivolution
Let us know what you think - is it too low quality? Bear in mind that Episode 19, while at the same bitrate for the source recordings, somehow sounds much better than Episode 17. Not sure why.
This isn't up on iTunes yet. I'm tempted to throw it up there even without Episode 18 (which is an absolute monster to edit; deals with the PS3 launch, and Ethan and I tear into each other again), but it'll look funny in the iTunes playlist.
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