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Podcast 69 uploaded; Neutopia is tiring

So first thing's first: Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 69 is uploading right now. You'll find it here by 12:30AM EST on Tuesday the 6th (9:30PM for you Wessyders). I wanted to get it up quick before I finished up the breakdown and RSS feed because CCU co-founder and former leader, Trigames.NET contributor, staffer, and all around good buddy Draqq_Zyxorian makes a guest appearance. He tolerates our shenanigans and offers some dirt of his own: how about a news piece in which would-be robbers tried to use a NES zapper?

Here's the blurb:

"Contributor and staffer Nick Tan, a.k.a. Draqq, joins as a guest and listens in as we act traditionally ludicrous and teh stupido. Ethan also finally makes her long-hated return, and proves as useless as ever! Sorry, HIS return. Yep. We talk about Nintendo's insistance on the lack of a hard drive; robbers who used an NES Zapper; Japan and its supposed "fear" of original IP; used games; whether or not games are productive; and more! Dive in, eat well, and - lest we forget about our poor last episode - don't forget to listen to Episode 68 as well."

Also, dammit if trying to blaze through Neutopia ain't tiring. Over the past 4 hours, I've gone through half the game and I plan to finish it tomorrow night. Again - it's a shameless Zelda clone. At first it's almost criminally identical, but it has a few tricks up its sleeve to make it stand out. Honestly, I like it - but that's because I'm playing the damn thing on mute and I'm in the mindset of a TG-16 owner who never had the luxury of playing the original Zelda. Specifically: the music is horrid and the rip-off may offend you. Still, so far it's solid action adventuring. That fire rod is pretty cool, it is. Is it as good as the original Zelda? Nah, which is upsetting because it came out later and on "superior" hardware. It just doesn't feel as tight overall. Anyway... time to shut down.

AGAIN: Please don't forget to check out episode 68 of the podcast. It never got full time to gestate because of disastrous happenings. The RSS feed for episode 69 as well as a breakdown should be up tomorrow, but for now my eyes are bleeding.