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Podcast, Mailbag, GH3

1) Listen to Episode 68 of the podcast. It went up really late so you may have missed it. It won't get a healthy gestation period, which is a shame because it was a good one.

2) Send in your questions for tomorrow's recording (where? mailbag AT trigames DOT net!!!!). If the stars align correctly, Draqq will be joining us and Ethan will be making her return. Sorry, his return. So maybe we'll finally get to Al's topic about the media sensationalizing people standing in line for game-related stuff.

3) Songs left to five star in Guitar Hero III's Expert Career Mode (not counting unlockables): Number of the Beast (4*); Raining Blood (4*)... favorite song as of now: One (just broke 415k)... least favorite song as of now: In Flames (stupid stupid STUPID)... least favorite part of the game: Lou... number of times online crashed for me: once, when I was playing with Slunks

4) Neotopia is a shameless Zelda clone. A little more playtime will tell whether or not it actually copies the high quality of the game, too, or if it's just terrible.