We've moved the recording of the Trigames.NET Podcast to Saturdays instead of Sundays, hoping to alleviate (1) the rush to finish up an episode before the_antipode has to leave for work and (2) potential late starts that come about because of Saturday-night-related activities, which also had an impact on item (1) in the past. We haven't quite settled on a time yet, though -- so I guess just as a general guideline, if you have questions and/or comments send them in before you go to sleep on Friday just to be safe.
Episode 91 is in the editing room. I've gotten staffed a new project so I'm no longer in "self-training and thus I have more time and flexibility" mode, so unfortunately this doesn't mean that the episodes will necessarily come earlier but I'll try. Computer disasters pending, of course.
Finally, Richard Ball, we got your audio question last week but because we were rushing into doing the episode we didn't get a chance to listen to it. However, we've answered it this week for you -- well, as best we can, since none of us own GTA IV to know what the PS3 multiplayer is like.
Random comment for any NBA fans: New Orleans. Wow.