MrCHUP0N / Member

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Red Steel is Comically Bad

I'm trying to beat Red Steel as quickly as possible. As mentioned in my blog entry below, it's not disastrous, but it is comically bad. It's like a Steven Segal movie in that respect - you may find yourself having fun and feeling guilty about it, but ultimately there's just so much material in here that you can string together for a really good "unintentional comedy video" of sorts.

Aiming reticule resetting?

Farcked up enemy AI?

Being able to flip over a solid wood desk for cover, but not able to do the same for a folding table?

Engaging, sublime enemy chatter and dialog such as, "I'm gonna get you moron" and "Just give me a good old gangster movie, none of this wire fu crap"?

Stereotyped minorities whose voices and dialect sound like a mixture of Keanu Reeves and Matthew Broderick?

Oh man, as soon as I beat this, I'm making this video...