I'm trying to beat Red Steel as quickly as possible. As mentioned in my blog entry below, it's not disastrous, but it is comically bad. It's like a Steven Segal movie in that respect - you may find yourself having fun and feeling guilty about it, but ultimately there's just so much material in here that you can string together for a really good "unintentional comedy video" of sorts.
Aiming reticule resetting?
Farcked up enemy AI?
Being able to flip over a solid wood desk for cover, but not able to do the same for a folding table?
Engaging, sublime enemy chatter and dialog such as, "I'm gonna get you moron" and "Just give me a good old gangster movie, none of this wire fu crap"?
Stereotyped minorities whose voices and dialect sound like a mixture of Keanu Reeves and Matthew Broderick?
Oh man, as soon as I beat this, I'm making this video...
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