In addition to the Top 10 category suggestions for our 100th Podcast Episode I posted to the fellas below, I just emailed them three more categories. Can't think of two more, though... and we have to record 10 hours from now! Oh well, c'est la vie. Here are the other three categories in case you haven't sent in your emails yet. Remember, you MIGHT get a prize if you're the 10th one to email us, so get cracking.
Top 10 podcast moments (if we can remember???) (that's 60)
Top 10 Movies based on games (this one is specifically for Tony to rant about ^_^) (that's 70)
Top 10 STRANGEST games we've played (that's 80)
Also, if you could offer ten (10) words of eulogizing, that'd be swell. My Toshiba Gigabeat S60 died on Tuesday/Wednesday so I'm grieving by playing with my new 80GB Zune.
Remember: please send e'rythang MAILBAG at TRIGAMES dot NET or this form here.