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Send in your questions. We record Podcast 49 at noon on Saturday this week.

Yip ho ho. Learning from mistake during Episode 47, I'm telling y'all right now that we're recording on Saturday, June 9th, at Noon. So if ya gots thems questions, sends thems ins!

We've gotten two more entries for our Pirates versus Ninjas contest, as we mentioned in Episode 48. So, if you haven't entered in yet, enter. We know you like $50. We know you like T-shirts. Give it a shot. Rules are here. Remember that reviewing us on iTunes increases your chances, and Digging us on top of that increases them even more.

If we've got the full crew, we're going to be talking about the one videogame that we feel had the greatest impact on us as fans of videogames - for whatever reason. So, if you want to send in a question or comment about that, fire away.