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Some aftermath thoughts.

- If you checked out the comments section of the Episode 73 post, you'll note user Noct and I had a rather lengthy debate about our podcast. I want to make it clear to new listeners who don't know how we roll: we are a ratty, doofy group of four guys with big foul mouths. We by no means are professional in our delivery, and that is simply what comes naturally. I could round them up to speak properly and be normal about everything, but that's just not us. What we do try to do as best as possible is research any facts when we don't know them, and to clearly note what's an unconfirmed rumor - the latter of which we did do when talking about the Gerstmann situation. I personally have a feeling of what might have happened based solely on conjecture, and I made sure to note that none of this is confirmed. I still think it was important to discuss the potential ramifications of such a rumor, or rather, theory. I think it was important to discuss what the results of this fallout's perception could be, since - true or not - these types of rumors will sting and sting hard for a long time. I guess I'm trying to say this: if you want a straight-laced presentation and a file that has undergone a full's day worth of editing, time which none of us have, and more factual evidence than speculation regarding THIS particular issue, then you might not want to download our episodes. If you don't mind your facts with a little dose of (what we find liberating) immaturity, if you don't mind us taking the time out to actually talk things out not as geniuses but as informed people who sometimes have to lean on each other - as humans do - to hash and discuss things out, then by all means - step in. I bear no ill will to those who decide to pass - this is just a warning to let you all know what you're getting into. Noct, no hard feelings, eh?

- This has since been altered, but I think it's pretty amusing given the state of things: NOW BEFORE YOU GO OFF COMMENTING WILLY NILLY about this, realize that this should not be surprising. This is done a lot with books and cinema, and is certainly done with videogames a lot. (Remember Splinter Cell: Essentials for the PSP? Check out the Ubisoft ads quoting GameSpy's preview text as opposed to review text.) I just think it's just somehow fitting that someone stumbled across this in the wake of what's going on.

- On the heels of everything that happened and what's been actually confirmed since, I want to stress that whatever feelings I have towards the issue are based on conjecture. I know that nothing has been confirmed, and you should know that too. We will likely never, ever know the true circumstances behind what happened with our friend Jeff Gerstmann, Gamespot's erstwhile frontman. I am as guilty as anyone else of quickly getting angry over it, but I think it's important to note that our anger is over the fact that the mere thought of these rumors being true could have serious repercussions throughout the industry. At least, that's how it is for me. To be honest, I truly hope to eat crow if it somehow comes out that the rumors were completely false. I think it bears mentioning that, yes, the rumors are plausible. This type of stuff has happened before and in no way is guaranteed to never happen again. It's business - that's how some entities roll. It also bears mentioning that semantics can be a powerful weapon that clouds our ability to discern the possibilities of the reasons for any shocking event. That's PR's job. I word things in an ambiguous manner every day at work to minimize any possible lashback for whatever situation we're dealing with. On the other hand, it also bears mentioning - and repeating - that given these vagaries, we can't ever know for sure or confirm our suspicions of what happened unless our name is Jefferson Gerstmann and we're 6'3" with a strange predilection for achievement points, thinking up videogame Haikus about Robocop and singing Complicated.

- It seems easy to want to boycott Eidos, but I don't know that it's really something I truly believe in. Rewind back to the podcast where we mess around about how Kane and Lynch sucks, even though we've never played it. Jokes, people. Just like Tony's "**** Sony!" outbursts. Though, you never know what's going on in his crazy, pony-tailed head. Anyway, the reason why I don't believe it's necessarily practical to boycott Eidos over this situation is because I don't think any rumored "pressure" on its part - I repeat: rumored - is unique to Eidos, if the fact is that they did apply any such pressure. We'd have to boycott most publishers on principle, then. Am I saying this because maybe I want Deus Ex 3 to be the baddest boy on the block when it comes out and I don't want to "feel bad" about buying it? ... ... maybe. In any case, despite my emotions (which are based, again, on rumor and suspicion), I won't be boycotting any Eidos games. I wouldn't blame anyone if they did - to each his own.

- CNET's Buzz Out Loud podcast address the Gerst-spiracy. I know some of you see fit to boycott CNET and all of its subsidiaries, but I think this one's worth listening to - especially if you don't fall into the Trigames.NET Podcast's target audience:

- News posts went up today. Gerstmann's departure was, at the very least, officially acknowledged and the ever-hardworking Ricardo Torres gave the man his props. Staffer Kevin Van Ord posted a full review of Tabula Rasa. NeoJedi posted a new "Getting to Know..." after months of it being put aside. Ryan was right: "the ball is still in motion", and people are doing what they do. Let's all try to find something uplifting to smile about, and let's all continue to wish the Gamespot crew the best.

- Finally... Oh, look, a shameless plug! I like Wrecking Crew.