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Somebody Please Buy Gametap...

Sometime yesterday I came across this news.

Not good.

If you didn't bother to click on the link, here's the quick synopsis: Turner is selling off GameTap, and no buyer has been announced thus far. Now, as a proud member of the crow-eating club, one might surmise that I'd be happy that I could finally say, "I told you so!" When GameTap came out, I laughed at it as a stupid thing. I wasn't looking forward; all I was looking at was the fact that it was Ted Turner's evil little scheme to nudge his way into gaming. Even if it was that, the product was solid, and as I saw the games list grow and as I became a subscriber myself, evidence mounted that this thing was really, really awesome.

I mean come on -- it's a dream come true for old-school and new-school game fanatics alike. I don't have to spend 800 Wii Points on Phantasy Star III -- I can pay $5 a month (I got a discount) to have access to that AND all the Tomb Raider games (old and new), AND Fallout 1 and Fallout 2, AND Sega Friggin' Saturn games (though the catalog isn't exactly "complete", ahem), and stuff like Civ IV and other current-day PC games that I missed over the last three years. I haven't even had a chance to fully sink my teeth into the service because of my job, and I've been itching to dive in.

But now comes word that it's being sold off with no buyer? I don't know the details, so I'm a little scared as to what this means for the division as it stays in limbo. It already had its editorial division (where former Gamespotter Alexei Navarroski freelanced for a few months) chopped off. So if no one buys this puppy, who's going to be there to fund it? Obviously it's not doing well enough to be self-sustaining or Turner wouldn't have sold it off. I don't think, at least. Anyway, this is a pointless, panicked ramble, so don't mind me. Just please, please, please find someone to buy GameTap.
