MrCHUP0N / Member

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Terminator Recommendations, and Terminator Issues

I've gone on a recent Terminator kick. I re-watched all three films and the TV series' episodes on tape over the past few weeks, hunted down the novels tied to them just because -- regardless of quality -- I'm obsessive like that, and now I want to play the games even though they're complete horse-poop. Well, at least, the T2 Gameboy game was complete horse-poop. I never played the other versions. Do any of you have any experience with them (not counting the T2 Arcade game since that's probably nowhere to be found by now and I'm not eBaying a friggin' arcade cabinet) and which one is the least offensive such that I don't drill a hole in my head?

Speaking of Terminator, I have some serious (well, humorous) issues with the movies -- even T2, one of my favorites of all time. Since I'm using this space strictly for games, I've moved them over there. Plus I get to freely cuss :)