MrCHUP0N / Member

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Thangs and all. (Update: Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker Review posted too!)

1) With the less-delayed posting of Episode 70, we should now be back to our normal gestation period of posting episodes on Tuesday afternoons. This week I'm hoping that all four of our podcast crew arrives for showtime so that we can finally talk about Al's topic with regards to the media sensationalization of people standing in long, long, LONG lines for videogames (and I assume more). Not so much the standing in line part, but the media's take on it, is what I guess he wants to talk about. I'll find out for sure if everyone bothers to show up. For now, send in your questions and comments to mailbag AT trigames DOT net. There are a LOT of interesting sales numbers being thrown around (hint: PS3 outsold Wii in Japan last week; Wii sells over 510k again; yadda yadda), so we'll definitely touch on that.

2) Yeah, I did manage to finish Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker, but unfortunately not by Monday. I give it a 3.0. Ha ha ha I am just joking I teh gaves it teh 7.5z0rz omg Nitedo pay me of to mak sure a pokeman competition dont scores higher than it do. I don't know why I just did a combination of CATS and a chat room junkie there, but I did. So there. Bite me.

3) Guitar Hero 3 related - I STILL CAN'T FRIGGIN' 5* Raining Blood on Expert! What the Fark-dot-com! I can easily pass the ridiculous 5432 4321 part without Star power now, but I still can't break that fifth star in. I'm locked at 219k for that stupid song. It's the only one I have left, as I finally fived Number of the Beast. Oi. Stupid Slayer.

4) More Guitar Hero 3 - I just downloaded the boss packs, and I failed the Lou battle at 64%. (a) Thank god for Star Power, or else I'd have never gotten that far. (2) Thank god it's a boss battle song in Career mode, and not a mandatorry 100% play-through. I'd never beat Career mode then.

5) Tracy McGrady injuring his arm and letting Kobe ride the rest of the game on those pesky midrange fadeaways totally broke my Wednesday. Ugh. I was hoping T-Mobile would keep that scoring lead up

6) Metallica's One solo? On cello? Why, I think... not. I just tried it and my thumb is blistering up and it sounds like nasally crap. It's really more fit for an electrically amplified instrument. But Sunshine Of Your Love on cello? Most definitely can be done. I just gotta learn the solo. Then again, that isn't the hardest song to play anyway...

7) Edit: After trying to play Jordan with the new Guitar Hero III guitar, and then playing some Guitar Hero III songs with the Guitar Hero II X-Plorer, I've come to the conclusion that I still like the old fret buttons better. The Strum bar is better on the new model, but not by much, and not enough to make me forget about the less-than-clicky fret buttons.