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The Alex Navarro Hall of Shame - Nominations Part 1

(Before I begin... enter the Ninjas versus Pirates dealie to win a prize!)

Greetings, fellow LEWZERS. It's a great day to be as loserish as yourself, isn't it? It sure is for me. LEWZERS. Just kidding. I love you all. Except for those of you I don't. Meh!

And with that, I'm going to be kicking off the Alex Navarro Hall of Shame nominations. What the fark is this, asks ye? Well, we all know about his claim to shame - his Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing video review in which he prayed to the trucker gods for a big rig to run over him after having set through that debacle. We also know he got to review God of War, one of that year's most highly praised games.

However, there are many Navarro gems in between that have great Alex moments. Take this one, for instance: Alex's video review for Nanobreaker - a game so mediocre that - if scores are to be taken literally - it's every bit as comically bad as Red Steel. Key moment? Alex waxing poetic over what other sexy, delicious names Konami could have given the game's characters. "Tad." Sizzling. (Not "Chad" as I originally said - thanks for the tip Alex)

Note: "Hall of Shame" might not be a good name, since there are some reviews with great, humorous Alex-isms that aren't of craptacular games. Thoughts?

Nominations to date: