MrCHUP0N / Member

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The Bahamas

+'s and -'s.

+ Sun!

- Sunburn. My shoulder blades hurt for a good 3 days (but they're fine now).

+ Snorkeling amidst a school of about 50 fish trying to gobble up food dropped by a nearby party boat.

- Seeing one of those fish take a nasty, yellow, stringy dump right in the water. (That's when I got back onto the boat.)

+ This awesome water slide by a sweet hotel pool that I cannon-balled down maybe 17 times.

- The gash I got on my hand from trying to avoid idiot little kids that weren't smart enough to realize that you shouldn't be playing IN FRONT of where the goddamn slide meets the pool.

+ Learning what it looks like when spiders - um - mate, thanks to my spider connoisseur sister who pointed the hot spider action out to the rest of us.

- Spiders freak me out.

+ Feeding a raccoon by the kayaking canopy. There isn't a hint of rabies in the Bahamas.

- My sister and I trying to keep our parents under control due to the bickering that resulted from their lopsided kayaking.

+ Time by the beach = swimming, the occasional hot tamale, and Picross DS time.

- No Bioshock.

+ Excellent fish to eat.

- Getting eaten by bedbugs.

P.S. - Anyone who wanted that LogoWriter Mortal Kombat abomination, I'll upload it soon. I just want to make a TXT file first on how it works, since it sucks so hard.