MrCHUP0N / Member

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The GMAT is going to *ANNIHILATE* me tomorrow. [Update: It did, sorta]

UPDATE - I just got back. Score was a 690 (scaled to 800). Apparently that's supposed to be a good score, but I'm pissed because I did poorly on - guess what - the math. Horribly, even. I'm not entirely ecstatic that I destroyed the verbal because, well, I get paid to write. If I had done anything less than very well on verbal, I'd have been extremely disappointed in myself. Anyway, I'll have to take it again to break 700 if I want to get into Columbia's graduate program. ==Original post follows.==

I've not nearly done enough concentrated studying for this piece-o-deuce test. Sure, I've studied throughout the weeks since May - but I'd never had hardcore, sit-down-for-4-hours-at-a-time sessions until Thanksgiving week - which is when I finally registered to take the goddamn thing. Tonight was my last hurrah attempt at getting 4 last hours in.

Fortunately, writing a lot for something other than my own site - first for the Community Contributions Union, then for Gamespot - has made stuff like the Analyze an Argument essay and Grammar Correction a piece of cake. The rest? Not so much. I absolutely, positively ABHOR the Data Sufficiency questions (given this statement and mathematical question, is fact "1" enough to provide an answer? what about fact "2"? both alone? both separately? neither?) as well as crap like probabilities and stupid little niggling wart problems like, "Oh, how many integers between 700 and 999 have two of their digits equal to each other with one being different?" I HATE MATH. I HATE NUMBARZ. (No, I'm not your stereotypical ____. Sue me.) Zaps, m0zart... HELP!

Thankfully I finally got Gears of War for PC working yesterday after about an hour install (during which I crammed some studying in) and another 90 minutes of troubleshooting (during which I nearly broke my monitor, only to restrain myself before I actually committed the fatal headbutt - yeah, headbutt). I had to install two updates, turn off my Window Blinds skin, and futz around with my registry in order to free up a large enough memory page to play it (at least, I think that's what I did). No, it doesn't run smoothly because I'm still running on last year's middle-high-end tech (X1950 PRO, Athlon X2 3800+). Yes, it looks friggin' amazing at 1280x1024. You know how the 360 version has a default filter that's muted and gray, to make everything seem desolate? There are two others, called Vivid and Intense. I *think* I used Intense, though it could be Vivid too - whatever. Point is, it injected a WHOLE bunch of natural color into the game while keeping that desolate, rotting atmosphere. It upped the contrast too, so everything being hit by the sun is can be construed as blinding. It looks REALLY good.

Now to get a better video card (or dial down the resolution) to get it at a consistent 30+ frames per second. Right now that's with textures on Medium, filter detail on High, and special effects on Low; and I verified that it's the Vivid filter. I don't know, but it looks more colorful to me - maybe I'm remembering wrong, though. I'm able to get 30+ frames a second half the time; other times it hunkers down to around Xbox 360 levels, and when it's loading or there's a lot of sound going on, it'll literally stutter - but it still is very playable 95% of the time.

And you'd better believe that I'm going to play for 20 minutes before I go to sleep to night to brush off all this stress from stupid studying for this stupid test which I have to stupid take stupid tomorrow stupid.

I hate it.