I'm predestined to never climb out of this pit of quicksand. It's not so much that the backlog grows at an alarming rate but more that I keep doing things to put it on the backburner.
Recently, I finished Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney. It's a game I enjoyed quite a bit, though I found myself agreeing with some of Aaron's contentions -- namely that the cast of characters left me missing the people I encountered during the original Phoenix Wright trilogy. But hey -- I finished it, so that gets scratched off the backlog. My Etrian Odyssey 2 review was just over a week ago, and I just turned in my review for Wonder World Amusement Park (hint: save thine cash). So what do I do? Go back to Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin and finish it, as dictated by my backlog schedule? Pick up Devil May Cry and try to finish THAT, also dictated by my backlog schedule?
No. How about, put in the original Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney just because I missed the old characters?
How's that for an excuse to procrastinate? Oh, and mind you, I'm also leveling up my characters in Final Fantasy VI Advance in preparation for the final dungeon. Stupid thing is, I beat the damned thing like three times back in the SNES days. I could probably live without seeing this one to the end, or at least not putting off my backlog for this.
Here's another thing I did while I could have been catching up on my backlog -- see The Dark Knight. Of course, it was totally worth it...
Oh, also, an alert to our podcast fans: we may have to re-record episode 100. Something disastrous may have happened to one of our files. Yeah. The good news keeps on coming, right? Friggin' christ... *sigh*