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Trigames Podcast Ep. 79 - Blooper Lawrence; We Hate Your Ears (Rock Band) Pt. 3

Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 79 is posted. But first:


Yes. We can't stand your ears. We despise them so.

And now for the episode. The fantabulous Cooper Lawrence and the Blooper to end all bloopers! Because, you know, Mass Effect is really full of porntograny and sexamality. Meanwhile, it objectifies women and according to a Fox News panel, you can't do ANYTHING once it's in the house! God forbid a console's parental control features actually working... oh wait.

Of course, there is other word-dom to be had, and we speak on other topics such as... teabagging in schools. Yes. And then, Gizmondo's sordid tale of revival, shot-down-al, and then re-revival.

In other somewhat sad but really joyous news, Ethan's work schedule has rendered him unavailable as a regular member of the Po'cas'. So, he will be appearing as a guest whenever he can; but for now, we're a three-horse gig. TIMMAH!

Download here.

File size: 46.8 MB

Run time: 1:37:25

P.S. - There is more of "Trigames.NET Hates Your Ears" in the blog post below. We hate your ears more than you can imagine.

P.P.S. - The RSS feed should be updated by noon PST today. It shows up to 78 on my iTunes correctly, but please let me know if you continue to experience glitches.