This podcast is really late, but it's also a really good episode, so just friggin' listen to it. We blame Audacity and computer problems that rendered half of our initial edit useless.
We talk about reviews and the internet frothy fanboys that read / use them for the wrong reasons; some trash talk from Master Will Wright about what IS and ISN'T next-gen; et cetera, yadda, oh just listen to it already. Oh, and bag of deuce. Can't get enough of that. Anyway, hurry up and get on with it before it gets old and crusty. By posting this so late we're not giving it a healthy-enough gestation period, so gobble it up before it becomes irrelevant - which is to say, never, because we are always non-irrelevant. We rule you and your little dog too. And so forth. Blah blah. Transmission obo.
Late Down
0:00:00 - Halloween is on a weekday, and that's "caca-dookie out the nose."
0:02:45 - What are we Playing?
0:11:33 - News:
*The Library of Congress Loves Video Games
*Okami Wii is a PS2 port with waggle (yay or nay?)
*Microsoft's Games Division Doesn't Lose Money Again
*Nintendo President: No Price Cut for Wii, Have Gifts Instead
*Rock Band Track list revealed
*Rock Band Achievements
*Halo 3's Saved Films feature is a big hit; Smash Bros. Brawl follows suit
*Red Octane being jerks about Guitar Compatibility: Rock Band guitar usable with Guitar Hero III? Probably not!
*Then, Guitar Compatibility somewhat cleared up
*Rock Band Dev Dishes Out PS3 Hate
*Will Wright Loves Advance Wars, Says Wii is Only Real Next Gen Console
*Nolan Bushnell explains why games today are "pure, unadulterated trash"
00:53:04 - Bag of ****
01:10:32 - Main Topic: On Game Reviews - A Collective Rant
01:34:08 - Mailbaggio and The Spam Report Returns!
Download here.
Running Time: 2:11:55
File Size: 63.3MB
Music Provided By:
Ninja Gaiden II (NES)
Advance Wars II (GBA)
Either Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm Street - I forget; doesn't matter, they both stink (NES)
Viva Pinata (X360)
Please - digg us, review us on iTunes, and don't forget - hit the mailbag with your Questions and Reader Bags of ****! You can get previous episodes at our Podcast Homepage.