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Trigames.NET Podcast Anniversary Episode! Parts 1 and 2 Online

The podcast has turned 1 year old. Yay! Break out TEH C0NF3TT1! Instead of keeping the episode to your normally scheduled news and topic, we've added a substantial amount of our personal lives as we tell you what we do in real life and what our first exposure to games was, as well as how this podcast has changed the last year for us. Part 2 of our Anniversary Episode takes us back to the regular ol' news and mailbag, where we discuss Ken Kutaragi's retirement (if you will), Denis Dyack's claim for shorter games, and Save the Children totally going apespit about games making introverts out of all of us. Oh, and plenty of malebags for you all.

Due to its extreme length, this podcast episode is divided into 2 files.

Part 1
Download here.
File Size: 54.7 MB
Runtime: 1:53:55

Part 2
Download here .
File Size: 35.6 MB
Runtime: 1:14:08

Please - digg us, review us on iTunes, and tell your friends to listen and enter our Pirates versus Ninjas contest (hell, there will be no prize if we don't get enough people listening). Your support keeps us motivated. And don't forget - hit the mailbag with your questions!

For previous episodes, please visit our Podcast Homepage!