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Trigames.NET Podcast episode 102 - I am Jason Bourne Identity

(Relatively) short one this week. Rock Revolution has some gutsy tracks. But come on -- Sk8r Boi? What? And by the way, IDG wants us to know that Fatal1ty is the "face" of E for All (er?), but Gabe and Tycho want us to know that Penny Arcade will curb stomp him if he even shows up at PAX. Al and Tony mumble over how to beat Phantasy Star II, which Tony is STILL playing. GameTap is being sold off -- tears of sadness :( -- without a prospective buyer named thus far. And, of course there's the requisite waxing remake-ish about Final Fantasy IV for DS thanks to the mailbaggio. Special guest appearance -- somewhere -- by Guillermo. Though he doesn't know it yet, and he probably never will...

Musical interludes courtesy of:

Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Long Title (GCN)
Ratchet & Clank (PS2)

Download here.
File size: 39.7 MB
Running time: 1:22:49

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