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Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 103 - Battlefrauds

NPDs, Bobby Kotick reverse-pwnting Warner, and Piracy, oh my. Nintendo comes out on top again, and the Xbox 360 continues to sag lightly against the Playstation 3. Activision tells Warner Music to quit its bellyaching about wanting more money for its music in rhythm games, and a developer poses a simple, blunt question to pirates: "Why do you do it?" Also, Game Trailers releases its Top 10 hardest games of all time. Do they make sense, or are they just wusses? Should Contra even be on there? And was Battletoads really hard, or just really, really poorly designed? Listener Supersonic97 also gives his thoughts on gaming as a sport, and poses the question of whether old-school JRPG staples are actually flaws in this day and age.

Update on the "MK" Killer

SEGA Says Wii Opportunity For Hardcore (Calls Shovelware "Crap")

Game Developer talks to pirates to find out: why do you pirate games?

Warner Music wants more cash for licensed music. Activision's Bobby Kotick says, "Bite my butt."

GameTrailers' 10 Hardest Games of All Time

NPD Sales #s are in

Musical Interludes courtesy of:

Final Fantasy Tactics (PSone)
Final Fantasy IV (NDS)

Download here.
File size: 51.1
Running time: 1:46:31

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