Kid drops out of high school to pursue a career in Guitar Hero... but not Guitar Praise, the Christian rhythm game with its own plastic guitar! Will he resort to "doping" in order to beat the likes of those Jordan / Fire and Flames FCers, or will he just leave that to those in an Australian gaming league? Meanwhile, we discuss Denis Dyack's antics and what effect it has or may have, and listener mail reveals that someone thinks DKC is more entertaining to watch than LBP. Oooh -- scandalous! We finally cap it off with a mix-up between cheap difficulty and inexpensive difficulty. Only the Tony. And before I forget -- Slunks joins us after weeks of work and collagen. I mean college. College!
Kid convinces parents to let him drop out of high school to play GH
Tecmo President Resigns Amid Lawsuits
How to get RB1 songs on RB2 for $5:
Steroids in baseball? Pah! Try street pharmaceuticals in Pro Gaming.
Square Enix files friendly takeover bid for Tecmo
God loves all his creatures, especially those plastic guitars. But He felt that Satan's music had enough time in the sun:
Six more Rock Band albums due:
Musical Interludes courtesy of:
Bionic Commando: Rearmed - Intro (X360)
Too Human - Titan (X360)
LittleBigPlanet - Sackzilla Trailer (PS3)
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File size: 81.7MB
Running time: 2:50:13
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