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Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 35 - NINJA PIRATES!!!11

The title says it all. Never mind that we caught Al making babies with a towel. Never mind that Ethan doesn't know his left from his left buttock when talking about WiiConnect24 (Ha. Ha. Ha!), and never mind that Manhunt on Wii could be an unmitigated disaster. We've been asked the question - PIRATES OR NINJAS - and we respond, dammit, for the last 20 minutes. It's gold, pure pirate ninja gold. Konnichiwa, snitches.

Special request! Send in your choice for what you think is the most powerful Pirate OR Ninja (not both, pick who you think is better) from a videogame and we'll vote to see who wins. You can also send in which games you think the music I spliced in are from, for the hell of it. No prize but your dignity.

If nothing else, the first 12 minutes and the last 30 minutes of this podcast are a must-listen. And make sure, as always, you stick around 'til after the outro...

Download here.

File Size: 45.2MB
Runtime: 1:34:15

For previous episodes, please visit our Podcast Homepage!

***Again, thanks for the questions, all. Please - don't forget - review us on , and please don't forget to DIGG US. Your support is what keeps us motivated and sterile. Uh, I mean Virile. VIRILE!***

P.S. - Happy_Cloud, I did not endorse what the rest of them did to your name! Blame Al 1500%. Because I said so :)