Which one of you lame jokers had the audacity to either give Attorney Jac(queline) Thompson the last episode of our podcast, where Porpuswail made some more caustic comments about his wife, or the nerve to construct incredibly legitimate e-mail headers to make us believe he e-mailed us? In any case, this email and these headers look consistent with other lame things he's sent, such as this . But we're small time. We're small fry. Why go after us? Is he really that desperate to chase ambulances? We discuss this potentially legitimate but also potentially fake email and Porpuswail goes on a rant. No real names, because that's what he demanded of us in the email. It's not like he can't find it anywhere else anyway... in any case, this is likely legit. But if it's not, whoever did it, it's not funny. Yeah, we're sending Fastethanfelson after your butt. Literally. After your butt. And you know what he's capable of.
The email:
TriGamers,I've listened to the recent broadcasts you put out talking about killographic games like Manhunter 2 and the sex simulator God of War II which is racist against Greek Sterotypes.
I am quite familiar with this terrotory. However, what I wasnot expecting was one of your members being guilty of slander and libel against me. It should be made clear that I have a healthy, faithful relationship with my wife. She does not cheat on me, and she does not play video games.
You deluded gamers are all the same. You want to criticize a man for doing his God-given duties because it interferes with the satanic rituals you basement dwellers- involve yourselves in every hour. Let me tell you what, my crusade against your sins will be victorious.
I demand to have the full name of the Trigamer that slandered my name and my wife. I will bring legal action upon you and your crew for this disgusting gamer incident. I am going to shut down your hate factory once and for all, so no more can you manufacture insults of mass destruction.
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Runtime: 0:53:11
File Size: 25.5MB