NOTICE: The syncing issues between our voices later on in the cast should be mostly resolved. Please let us know if anything sounds too out of place.
TnA - what you all have wanted. TONY and AUSTIN. What were YOU thinking? Mind out of the gutter. We talks the talks about the newses, likes the Rocks Bands, Kansas Hatings Pokemons, Resiident Eviil 4 (get it? GET IT?), Metroiid Priime 3 (GET IT NOW!? ok I give up), and some corporate stuffings. And then, Why does the Wii's Early Lineup Stinks? Finally, the Mailbag offers some tasty morsels. And, a guest text-message appearance by Slunks! Who says you need Ethan and Al for fun, fresh content? Blargh.
As always, parental advisory: explicit lyrics. Also if you're very sensitive and easily offended, go 'way!
Breakdown (times approximated; had to re-edit podcast):
0:00:00 - Intro and What We've Been Playing
0:11:00 - Quicknews
- EA/Harmonix/MTV present: ROCK BAND (360/PS3)
- School bans pokemon for promoting evolution:
- Resident Evil 4... on Wii... and then a haphazard side quest that looks to be House of the Dead 5, only in the Resident Evil universe. Let's hope it doesn't suck:
- No Metroid Prime 3 in June... no duh! (From Al - maybe we do want to postpone so he can talk about this, or we save this topic for next week)
- Bruno Bonnell done @ Atari, shares rise
- Ousted Take 2 CEO Paul Eibeler gets MAD CASH for being fired
0:36:00 - Topic: So, great early Wii lineup we got, right? ...Right?
0:55:00 - Mailbag!
Music from:
- Ninja Gaiden (XBOX)
- Metroid Prime (GCN)
- Bravo Man (TG-16)
Download here.
Runtime: 1:42:30
Size: 49 MB
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