I mean, ShenlongBo. Check out the episode description:
We invite Trigames.NET contributor ShenlongBingdong Shingdong Singsong Bo - better known to humans as Adrian - to wax poetic with us on this 46th episode of the Trigames.NET podcast. We discuss virtual rape in Second Life, Wii being inferior to the original Xbox in terms of visual capabilities, and answer a whole lotta useless mailbag mail
Oh yeah - and Al falls asleep.
Briggidy-Breakdown. Breakdown.
0:01:31 - What We've Been Playing
0:14:08 - (Not so) Quick News
0:25:21 - Technical Difficulties! LOLZOMG TEH INTARNETS BROK
0:40:10 - This week's Bag of ****
0:55:38 - Main Discussion: Robbie Bach says Wii is Graphically Inferior to the Original Xbox. Is it true, does this matter, and how? Meanwhile, Adrian and Tony battle over the definition of 'opulence' with help from the dictionary.
1:20:15 - Mailbag!
1:40:34 - Listen close and you can hear Al snoring during the mailbag.
1:43:39 - Ethan Enters Late. The useless sonuvabreach.
Download here.
File Size: 58.6 MB
Run time: 2:02:08
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