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Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 47 With Alex Navarro [Now Up!]

NOTE: All those who sent in questions after Saturday, 3PM EST, you missed it :( Sorry! I forgot to note that we were recording Saturday and not Sunday. So for that I apologize. You'll be read on episode 48, no doubt.

It's ALEX NAVARRO time. Watch him swallow flames and juggle 7 knives!


Hey Hey, kids. We talk about journalism in games today, and what better way to do it than to have a bona fide gaming journalist and critic with us? Joining us in the virtual Internets studio is Alex Navarro from Gamespot. Also in this episode: pie, ninjas, and vikings. Nintendo Power possibly giving up the ghost, Peter Moore talking schmack about Sony, and Al messes his pants over Starcraft II. Better watch out for the Nords. Oh, and Solitaire games that suddenly go multiplayer.


Download here.
Run time: 1:25:19
File size: 40.9 MB

Breaking Stuffs Down.

0:01:50 - What We're Playing
0:03:45 - Al makes a loud noise and somehow knocks his mic out of commission for a good few minutes
0:07:17 - Rumors, Talk, News
0:27:27 - The Bag of ****
0:41:24 - Main Discussion - Journalism, PR, Games, and Delicious Viking Treats (just kidding about that last part)
1:10:22 - Mailbag ... and Slunks' Grammars is the Plentiful of Good
1:23:49 - Housekeeping, Outro and a Post-conclusion Pirates versus Ninja spiel

Please - digg us, review us on iTunes, and tell your friends to listen and enter our Pirates versus Ninjas contest (hell, there will be no prize if we don't get enough people listening). Your support keeps us motivated. And don't forget - hit the mailbag with your questions!

For previous episodes, please visit our Podcast Homepage!