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Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 53 - Red Ring Consoles

Dive deep into the depths of the deep depths of the murky depths of consoles that break easily. Join us as we revisit the NES-Was-A-Shoddy-Piece-of-Machinery species and the legend of Upside Down Playstation. Did you blow on your NES carts? Jam them into the slot? Shake your PSone? Kick it around like Pele? Or were you that jerk kid who never had anything break on you? Probably never had a hard day's worth of work either, you little turd, did you? You suck! I mean... listen to our podcast! Yeah.

Break Cake Down (No Bag of **** This Week to Stay on Schedule)

0:02:06 - What We're Playing
0:06:46 - News
* WoW "Affair" Ends in Jail
* MMO's being taxed in Korea
* Racism in Forza 2's Car Creation
* EA Sports dumbs down games
* A Timeline of "lost" Sony Exclusives
* A Segmentation of Gaming's heaviest spenders - the tiny "hardcore" segment buys the most
* Metroid Prime 3: NOT online. "Perfect for you" said Reggie Fils-aime. As Al said, "time will tell."
* Sixaxis + Rumble + Rumored Location-specific rumble = SHOCKAXIS
* Microsoft extends the Xbox 360 warranty to 3 years
* Sony's Price Cut: Rumors, Facts, Denials
* VF5, Xbox Live online play on Xbox 360
* Church of England still pissed
* Verdict's in; kids like M-rated games
* China censors WoW to remove skeletons
0:36:20 - Main Discussion: Remembering our Fragile Consoles - NES, PSone, PS2, and Xbox 360
0:50:55 - Mailbag

Download where?
Runtime: 1:31:59
File Size: 44.2MB

***NOTE*** - For the Bag of ****, thanks to a suggestion from CJ_HOPE32, we are now taking Reader Bags of ****. Remember though - don't just say, "I hate Halo!" or "I hate Zelda!" It really, really has to be a bottom-of-the-barrel, dirty, ugly, crappy game like Mortal Kombat for the Gameboy or Back to the Future for the NES... and you HAVE to have played it.

Please - digg us, review us on iTunes, and tell your friends to listen and enter our Pirates versus Ninjas contest. WE ARE KEEPING IT OPEN FOR ONE MORE WEEK AFTER EPISODE 54. Deadline for entry is tentatively JULY 21st, 2007! (If it changes it will be later, not earlier.) And don't forget - hit the mailbag with your questions!

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Ok. NOW you can download.