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Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 56 - Will Wii Casualize all of Gaming?

Blame it on the Raaaiiiiin!

The rain starts to pour fiercely in New York with touches of thunder piercing the sound of heavy water droplets, most certainly - ominously - signaling THE DEATH OF GAMES AS WE KNOW IT thanks to the Wii! Oh noes! Hardcore Games teh fail! Casual games pwn, confirmed! ... Right. We talk at length about these supposed fears, as well as important things such as more about how the Xbox 360 towel trick may work, the NPD numbers, emulation in the jungle, games that require you to poke butts with perverted fingers of fury, and MANY MUCH MORES.

Tony takes a break this episode due to family matters - let's all wish him the best as we listen to Ethan's massive and thunderous noises from the deuce bowl beyond the galaxy.

Brokendown Back Mountain

0:01:53 - What We're Playing
0:08:38 - News
* NPD Sales Mania - Hardware and Software
* The Rockstar Life - Jeff Williams blogs about former life at Rockstar
* Rumor: Xbox 360 Price Drop by $50? OMGconfirmedpwn?
0:33:19 - Bag of ****
0:40:13 - Main Topic (courtesy of Aidan B.): Will Wii Casualize All of Gaming?
1:00:44 - Mailbag

Download here.
Runtime: 1:28:53
File size: 42.7 MB

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Please - digg us, review us on iTunes, and don't forget - hit the mailbag with your Questions and Listener Bags of ****!