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Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 57 - Pirates and Ninjas On Air

Join arrr us arrr as arrrr we arrrr read arrrr your arrrr contest arrr entries arrrr aloud! Ok, no more "arrrr" from me. After discussing why Ebert is wrong about his view on games, Resident Evil 5 isn't racist, and Guitar Hero III's newly announced and hot-to-death tracks, we take in Ish's bag o' deuce game and then... read everyone's Pirates Versus Ninjas entry on air! I think we have a few clear winners but we're taking these few days to sleep on it. Look forward to the actual prizes being handed out on Episode 58. In the meantime, enjoy everyone's humorous and valiant attempts at convincing us which pirate or ninja would win control over the whole world. And, Tony finally answers: why all the Sony and PSP hate? Juicy juicy.

Warning: The Legend of Zelda final battle spoilers, in two spots in the podcast. You will hear beeps marking the beginning of each spoiler segment and they last 30 seconds.

Please note: My sound file got terribly warped during the mailbag section, and skips like a scratched CD somehow. So we're using the lower-quality backup file for the mailbag because I'm otherwise unintelligible. Apologies for the quality snafu.


0:00:55 - What Are You Buying Next (and What Are You Playing)?
0:08:15 - Begin first Zelda final battle spoiler
0:08:45 - End first Zelda final battle spoiler
0:10:00 - Newsies!
*N'Gai Croal smashes Ebert's prejudiced "games are not art" snobbery to pieces
*Different Xbox 360 SKUs Get Uneven Price Drops
*George Harrison "retires" from Nintendo... rumorily
*Halo3 = 4P Co-Op
*Grand Theft Auto IV Delayed To 2008
*Pachter Blames PS3 For GTA IV Delay
*Crysis Coming In November
*Company sues Sony, demands destruction of all PS3s
*Activision Announces Eleven New Guitar Hero III Tracks
*Resident Evil 5 is - uh - racist, apparently
0:23:30 - Begin second Zelda final battle spoiler
0:24:00 - End second Zelda final battle spoiler
0:41:36 - Bag o' Shattity ****
0:46:54 - Pirates Versus Ninjas - your entries!
1:14:05 - Mailbag

Download here.
Runtime: 1:48:08
File size: 51.9 MB

Pirates versus Ninjas winners will be announced in episode 58! Listen to this episode to hear the entrants.

Please - digg us, review us on iTunes, and don't forget - hit the mailbag with your Questions and Reader Bags of ****!