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Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 59 - Your Chemical Blowmance

We decided to really take it easy this week. In under an hour, a teeny tiny measly little hour for those who fidget and can't bother to listen to the most awesomest dumbturds talk about the most awesomest stuffings, we wrap up some interesting news topics - albeit not every one out there - and try to make Uwe Boll sound as haphazardly panicked as possible when trying to state his case for 'Postal: The Movie Without Quality'. Aaaaaand as always, we dip into the male's bag to bring you freshly ground ... uh ... mail. Yerp. What fate awaits Ryvvn's dongle? Does Freebones like the Geetawr He-row pack? Is Supersonic right about the Xbox 360's zany pricing strategy? Also, you can keep your Chemical Romance. We want none of the self-cutting whinery in our midsts, and neither does Peter Griffin. Avast ye, for ye are avasted. And stuff. I'm tired and I don't care about you! Good Eyb.

Breakdown Snakedown

0:01:13 - What We Should Been Playing (Nice grammar)
0:06:46 - News Mandibles
*Ubisoft Sets Sights on Hollywood
*Live Arcade Coming To Windows, Too
*EA Explains Why Madden "Sucks" on PS3
*LA Times: Give Up On Game Law, Governator
*My Chemical Romance Tracks Available for Guitar Hero 2
*EA Caught Touching Up NBA Screenshots
*Rock Band: Out November 20th
*Unreal Engine 3 Adds GameSpy Tech
*Rockstar: Industry Should 'Rally Around' Manhunt 2
*Screwattack's Ten Worstest Mario Games
*PS3 $350 with credit card offer [SOLD OUT!]
*Bret Michaels Added To Guitar Hero III Legends Line-Up
*Shinobi III and Landstalker for Virtual Console Confirmed
*Uwe Boll Interview: 'I'm Not The New Ed Wood', 'You're Not A Good Journalist'
*Report: Plans to boost Wii production delayed
*Motion-sensing controllers come to PS2
0:39:48 - Mailbaggo

Download here.
Runtime: 0:54:07
File size: 24.7 MB

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