Here comes a brand new flava in ya ear. Time for new flava in ya ear. I'm kickin' new flava in ya ear, Trigames' the new flava in ya ok enough of that. Today is reasonably light with the prepared content and nice n' heavy with the reader mail. Al also brings back Craig Mack on an unannounced name-drop. Pick that name up, Al. We've also got some good potential topics for future casts from our mailbag: in this day and age, do games need multiplayer to be great? What games that were horrible would we improve, and what would we do to improve them? What is our favorite game feature in a game we like? All these answered, and less, in Episode Six Oh. If you don't listen, your head might implode in a fit of ineptitude. So get to it.
Steak Break Down
0:00:18 - Intro and Ethan and Tony ain't hurr
0:10:04 - News
* Free Ad-Supported full-version PC Games from Ubisoft
* Manhunt 2 to be released on Halloween...
* ...and the following ESRB ****-Storm from Leland Yee...
* ...and why Julian Eggbrecht finds the ESRB loony
* Plus, a special guest appearance from Fitty and Craig Mack. Uh, yeah.
0:23:23 - The Bag of **** / Deuce / Poopie
0:28:24 - Chupon Goes on an Unplanned, unrelated Rant About Native English-Speaking People Who Can't Spell
0:32:49 - Healthy Mailbag!
Download here.
Runtime: 1:23:08
File Size: 39.9 MB
Please - digg us, review us on iTunes, and don't forget - hit the mailbag with your Questions and Reader Bags of **** You can get previous episodes at our Podcast Homepage.