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Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 61 - Deuce Time

Before I post the Podcast details, I'm just going to take a few lines to remind everyone to remember those who were lost in the 9-11 attacks six years ago today. I was lucky to not lose anyone but I offer my sincerest condolences to those who have. (Don't want to bring down today's mood with a long post like I did last year.)


We WERE going to talk about Denis Dyack's vision of a one-console future. However, Ethan had an emergency and couldn't be with us. Therefore, we saved the topic for next week and instead talked about what we would do to improve on **** games. Whaddaya know: the bag of **** and the main topic, merged into one ultimate being! Following, of course, a whole slew of news - much having to do with rocking out - and followed BY some nice bags of One of these days I'll misspell that.

Bake Down

0:00:00 - Tomfoolery
0:01:01 - Intro and What We're Playing
0:14:36 - News
*'Robot Chicken' Creators Team With Rapper to Develop Game
*Guitar Hero Wii Won't Launch With Online Play
*Sony Changes Halo 3 Wikipedia Entry - naughty naughty
*Aerosmith headlining Guitar Hero IV?
*Morello a villain in Guitar Hero III
*Analyst: $499 80GB PS3 by year's end
*More Bioshock bad press - Why Should your Brother Play for Free?
*Lair Designer: Our Controls Work For Me 80% Of The Time
*Rock Band tours America. Dates and cities announced.
*Wii GHIII WILL Have Online, Just No DLC.Yet.
*Uncensored Manhunt leaked
0:42:36 - The Bag of Main Topic ****
1:03:54 - Mailbag

Download here.
Run time: 1:24:36
File Size: 40.6 MB

Please - digg us, review us on iTunes, and don't forget - hit the mailbag with your Questions and Reader Bags of ****! You can get previous episodes at our Podcast Homepage.