There was a whole butt-ton of news, lot of it about Wii - so we blazed through it all, including Microsoft and Sony news, to get to the mailbag and have The Antipode answer at least one before he took off to make that money. Make that cash. Make that scrilla. And stuff. So it's an all news-mailbag episode today. Ethan is out again on emergency, and we continue to save our Denis Dyack one-console future topic for him. Listen! Enjoy! Flatulate.
Wake Down
0:01:22 - What You'se Played?
0:05:25 - Nyuuz
*August NPD numbers
*TurboGrafx CD & TurboDuo Games To Be Released On Virtual Console
*Nintendo's Wii takes console lead
*Capcom Rides Wii Wave To Profit
*Eggebrecht: Wii Games Should Look Better
*Neo Geo Games Priced for Virtual Console - 900 points per, i.e. $9
*Project H.A.M.M.E.R. Pronounced Dead
*Nintendo Dates Wii Zapper, Confirms Link's Crossbow
*Parents in Furor Over Wii Zapper
*IGN Wii explores some of the changes between the M-rated and AO-rated Manhunt 2
*IGN Editorial about voice communication in online gaming (and the Wii's lack of it):
*Silicon Knights Scoffs at Epic's Legal Motion
*Ninja Gaiden 2 Screens leaked ... then NInja Gaiden 2 Confirmed
*Halo 3 Sells for $124 on eBay
*Take-Two Loves BioShock Sales, Discuss Sequel Plans
*GameStop Revamping Stores to Make Room for Rock Band, SingStar
*Guitar Hero III Rocks The Mac And PC
*Rock Band Adds Soundgarden, KISS, Red Hot Chili Peppers
*Putting PS3's Backwards Compatibility to the Test
*Rumor: 40 GB PS3 for $399 This Christmas
*The Sony Defense Force
*Ol' Jacky boy sends his 15-year old son to Best Buy to purchase BioShock (M-Rated), succeeds, then rips on Best Buy for fraud
0:58:53 - Mailbagz0rz
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Running time: 1:45:00
File Size: 50.4 MB
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